This project is maintained by AkihisaYamada
TPP (Theorem Proving and Provers) ミーティングは, 2005年から年に1回開催され, 定理証明系を作っている人から使う側の人まで幅広い人たちが集まり, 様々な側面からの話をしてアイディアの交換をしてきたものです.
ミーティング期間中の討論を大切にしたいと考えていますので, 出来上がった仕事の講演だけでなく,進行中の仕事,未完成の仕事についての講演も歓迎します. 参加者には可能な限りご講演いただくことを期待しています.
TPP is a series of annual meetings for developers as well as users of theorem provers. Discussions from various aspects and exchanges of ideas have taken place in the past meetings since 2005.
We regard the discussions during the meeting to be most important. As such, not only the talks about completed work, but those about ongoing work and half-baked work are also welcome. We hope all participants would consider giving a talk.
2019年11月18日(月), 19日(火) / Mon. 18th to Tue. 19th, November.
国立情報学研究所(学術総合センター)19階 1901,1902,1903会議室 / National Institute of Informatics (National Center of Sciences) 19th floor, Rooms 1901, 1902, 1903
〒101-8430 東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2 / 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430 アクセス / Access
日時: 11/18 18:30~ / Time: 18th Mon. 18:30~
会場 / Place: まごころ居酒屋 芝浦 神保町店 (On Google Map)
山田晃久 (国立情報学研究所, ERATO蓮尾メタ数理システムデザインプロジェクト) / Akihisa YAMADA (ERATO HASUO Metamathematics for Systems Design Project, NII)
Email: akihisayamada<at>
11/13(水)までに / Please register by 13th November from
14:20 TPPMark2019解答 (slides)
井上健太 @ 千葉大学大学院
14:30 TPP Mark 2019 in CafeOBJ (45min)
二木厚吉 (FUTATSUGI,Kokichi) @ 北陸先端大/産総研 (JAIST/AIST)
Modeling, specification, and verification of TPP Mark 2019 problem in CafeOBJ Specification Verification System is presented. Some comments on recent advances in CafeOBJ’s Specification Verification (i.e. theorem proving) with equational reduction/rewriting are also given.
15:15 Break (15min)
15:30 定理間の類似度の定式化について(Work in Progress) (30min)
中正 和久 (なかしょう かずひさ) @ 山口大学
16:00 Isabelle/HOL を用いたユークリッド原論の定理証明 (30min)
岩間詞也 @ 甲南大学大学院 自然科学研究科 知能情報学専攻
Isabelle を用いて,ユークリッド原論の第 1 巻および第 2 巻の証明を行った. 本稿で示したユークリッド幾何学への利用には定義, 公理, 公準および証明の済んだ命題などを適した形に関数化する ことが必要であった.
16:30 Mizarにおける楕円曲線の形式化 (30min)
布田 裕一 @ 東京工科大学
17:00 Break (15min)
17:15 IFPと、その並列プログラム抽出への拡張 (45min~)
立木 秀樹 @ 京都大学 人間・環境学研究科
IFP (Intuitionistic Fixedpoint Logic) は、Ulrich Berger が中心となって開発した、プログラム抽出を目的とした、直観主義一階述語論理を strictly positive な inductive/coinductive な述語定義に拡張した体系です。この体系では、実数などの公理に基づいて抽象的な(すなわち、データ表現を明示的に扱わない)証明を行い、そこからデータ表現とプログラムの両方を抽出します。IFP の一つの特徴として、Haskell のプログラムが抽出でき、引数によっては停止しない部分関数のプログラムを抽出できることがあります。この講演では、複数の部分関数をAmbオペレータにより並列実行してできた全域的なプログラムを抽出できるようにIFPを拡張した論理体系を紹介します。時間があれば、実数のグレイコード表現から符号付2進表現への変換プログラムの抽出への応用についても述べます。
10:00 ペトリネットにおける停止性判定の形式化 (30min)
稲垣 衛 @ 千葉大学大学院融合理工学府, 山本光晴 @ 千葉大学大学院理学研究院
10:30 Towards Verification of Event-B Models in Coq (30min)
Tsutomu Kobayashi @ Japan Science and Technology Agency
11:00 Break (15min)
11:15 A linear time algorithm for automatic generation of multiplicative planar proof nets (tentative) (45min)
Satoshi Matsuoka @ AIST
Recently we have found a new linear time correctness condition for multiplicative proof nets of Linear Logic. We have given an implementation for this condition, but found a bug in the first version, although it has been fixed in the second version. The bug was subtle: we must introduce a deadlock prevention mechanism in order to fix it.
In order to confirm that the current version is correct, we would like to have a lot of test data: we need both correct MLL proof nets and MLL proof structures that are not proof nets. It is relatively easy to generate a large number of general MLL proof structures. But correct MLL proof nets are quite few among them. One approach to generate correct MLL proof nets is to apply an assignment algorithm of multiplicative links to “pre-proof structures”. But this algorithm is quadratic: it is not appropriate to generate big correct MLL proof nets.
In this talk, we show that a linear time improvement of this assignment algorithm is possible in a special class of MLL proof nets: in the planar case. This linear time algorithm has a geometric flavor and uses union-find data structures.
12:00 Lunch break (1hour 30min)
13:30 Horn Clauses in Hybrid-Dynamic First-Order Logic (45min)
Daniel GAINA @ Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI), Kyushu University
We propose a hybrid-dynamic first-order logic as a formal foundation for specifying and reasoning about reconfigurable systems.As the name suggests, the formalism we develop extends (many-sorted) first-order logic with features that are common to hybrid logics and to dynamic logics.This provides certain key advantages for dealing with reconfigurable systems, such as: (a) a signature of nominals, including operation and relation symbols, that allows references to specific possible worlds / system configurations – as in the case of hybrid logics; (b) distinguished signatures of rigid and flexible symbols, where the rigid symbols are interpreted uniformly across possible worlds; this supports a rigid form of quantification, which ensures that variables have the same interpretation regardless of the possible world where they are evaluated; (c) hybrid terms, which increase the expressive power of the logic in the context of rigid symbols; and (d) modal operators over dynamic-logic actions, which are defined as regular expressions over binary nominal relations. We then study Horn clauses in this hybrid-dynamic logic, and develop a series of results that lead to an initial-semantics theorem for arbitrary sets of clauses.This shows that a significant fragment of hybrid-dynamic first-order logic has good computational properties, and can serve as a basis for defining executable languages for reconfigurable systems.
14:15 Experience Report: Type-Driven Development of Certified Tree Algorithms in Coq (45min)
QI Xuanrui @ 名古屋大学大学院多元数理科学研究科
This talk is a report on, as well as a defense of the usefulness of dependent types for developing provably correct programs. We believe that dependent types—and dependently-typed programming in Coq in particular—could allow for faster and safer development. There are already several accounts about the utility of dependent types in practical program development, and in real-world applications. Here we add to these accounts by outlining our experience in developing tree algorithms for succinct data structures and proving them with the help of dependent types.
This is joint work with Reynald Affeldt, Jacques Garrigue and Kazunari Tanaka. The talk was previously given at the Coq Workshop 2019 in Portland, Oregon, and will be given in English.
15:00 Break (15min)
15:15 Formal Verifications of Call-by-Need and Call-by-Name Evaluations with Mutual Recursion (30min)
水野雅之 @ 東北大学
For non-strict languages, the equivalence between the high-level
specification (call-by-name) and the actual implementation
(call-by-need) is of foundational interest. Launchbury showed the
adequacy of his call-by-need natural semantics with respect to
call-by-name denotational semantics. Ariola and Felleisen proved the
correspondence—based on term graphs—between call-by-name and
(their definition of) call-by-need reductions. However, mutual
recursion was challenging for the latter formalism.
In this presentation, we give simpler proofs—solely based on finite
terms and operational semantics—of the correspondence among
Launchbury’s call-by-need natural semantics and 3 styles of
call-by-name natural semantics of lambda-calculus with mutually
recursive bindings, and formalize them in the proof assistant Coq.
15:45 Validating Mathematical Structures (30-45min)
坂口和彦 @ 筑波大学
On formalizing nontrivial mathematical definitions and proofs with proof assistants, it is necessary to have a good infrastructure to support the users. The key ingredient of the infrastructure is the hierarchy of mathematical structures, that allows for the sharing of notations and theories to avoid repeating similar definitions and proofs, and supports automated inference to make inheritance/subtyping of structures implicit. The packed classes method is a generic design pattern to define and combine mathematical structures in a dependent type theory with records. The Coq proof assistant has mechanisms to enable automated structure inference and subtyping in packed classes, that is, implicit coercions and canonical structures. These ingredients have been successfully used to prove nontrivial mathematical proofs, in particular, the Odd Order Theorem. In spite of its success, the packed classes method is hard to master for library designers and requires a substantial amount of work, because of poor support for packed classes by the Coq system. In this paper, we propose a thorough analysis of the packed classes method, in particular some invariants of hierarchies that are necessary to make the packed classes method work well, and propose tools to support its large scale deployment by checking these invariants.
16:30 TPP Mark Session 2
Keisuke Nakano @ Tohoku University
17:30 Closing
計算可能性を形式化するための土台をみんなで考えてみるというのはいかがでしょうか. ただ教科書的な題材では面白くないかもしれませんので,少しひねくれたものになっています. 解答はオーガナイザーまでお送りください.部分解・アップデートも歓迎します. / How about collectively think of a foundation for formalizing computability? As the textbook theme might be boring to you, below offers a slightly screwed up setting. Solutions should be send to the organizer. Partial solutions and updates are welcome.
Cyclicテープ上で動くチューリングマシンの概念を形式的に定義してください. Cyclicテープとは固定長のテープで,両端がつながったものです. ベースとなるチューリングマシンの定義は問いません./ Please formally define a notion of Turing machines that manipulate cyclic tapes. A cyclic tape is a fixed-length tape whose both ends are connected to each other. You can base on any paper definition of Turing machines.
その1ステップ計算を定義してください./ Please define their one-step computation.
マシンが与えられた入力テープに対して停止するという述語を定義してください./ Please define the predicate that a machine halts on a given input tape.
長さ・内容不明のcyclicテープを入力し,テープをゼロクリアして停止するマシンを与えてください.テープ長の最小値を仮定してかまいません.このパズルは私が以前 Vincent van Oostrom先生より頂いたものです./ Please define a machine that, given an input cyclic tape of unknown size and content, clears the tape and halts. You may assume a minimum length on input tapes. This puzzle was given to me by Vincent van Oostrom.
そのマシンに具体なテープを与え,動きを例示してください./ Please demonstrate how your machine above works on a concrete tape example.
(任意) そのマシンが任意のcyclicテープに対して停止し,結果のテープがクリアされていることを証明してください./ (Optional) Please prove that your machine halts and resulting tape is cleared for any input cyclic tape.
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